Apartment 5+, Mixed Use, Automotive, Wherehouse, Office , Self Storage, Retail, Light Industrial, Churches, Medical Buildings & More.

Loan Program Highlights

  • Purchase                                                                  
  • Unlimited Cash Out Refinance
  • Bridge-Short/Long Term Financing
  • Seller Carry Backs Allowed
  • Loan Amount $100k-60Million
  • Up to 90% LTVE
  • Interest Rates As Low as 4% (Stated) 
  • We Qualify the Property Not Your Credit
  • SBA Loans, Portfolio and Private Money
  • Flexible Terms and Low Interest Rates
  • Brokers Welcomed
  • Closing in Less Than 14 Days
  • Fast Pre- Approvals
  • Loan under Corp/LLC/ Trust

For More Information feel Free to Contact

Dee Duncan



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