Looking for commercial mortgages for multi tenant Industrial buildings in Canada, looking to get to 80% LTV.

Please respond with interest by email.

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Hey Dino,

We provide several RE financing programs for Canadian borrowers(Stated Income, Hard Money & Bridge Loans) for acquisitions, refinance or cash outs. Our programs are streamlined and we can get borrowers funded quickly. If you still need funding, please send us more information about your properties and situation. I look forward to your reply!

Nick Hubbard | Senior Loan Advisor

e: nick@elitefactoring.com

o: 314-252-0299

Hi Nick,

Thanks for reaching out, I am looking for standard 1st mortgages on 2 industrial properties which are owned by a Family Trust. Below is a brief outline of the property status.

  • Property 1 - 28,800 sq. ft. office/warehouse- Appraised value of $ 3,565,000.00  - looking for a first mortgage of 2.85 million
  • Property 2 - 28,800 sq. ft. office/warehouse - Appraised value of $ 3,500,000.00 - looking for a first mortgage of 2.8 million.

We currently have existing mortgages at relatively high interest rates and looking to refinance at lower rates. Property income is consistent at  $ 250,000.00 and $ 240,000.00 yearly respectively.

Let me know if you do this type of lending and what rates you can offer, I have current appraisals, and clean environmental reports for both properties.  Need to make a decision on who I am going with in the next day and will require funding in the next 3 weeks.


Dino Filoso


Hey Dino,

Thanks for the quick reply. I also sent you a msg via LinkedIn. What type of term are you guys looking for? And where exactly are the properties located? And whats the current rates? Do you have a loan package you can send me?

Definitely can get this done! And rates would be dependent on what type of term you guys are looking for, borrower credit, etc. Please send me a email with property address, appraisals, etc and I can get you some soft terms within 24-48hrs!

We are direct lender providing financing to businesses for working capital,expansion,inventory,equipment purchase or emergencies at an interest rate of 4% In many cases,we can provide you with the funding you need in as little as 24 hours. We are a direct lender: not a bank merchant cash advance company or a financial factory company. 

Contacts information 


Thanks for your reply, do you provide mortgage financing in Canada.  I own 2 Industrial properties and am looking for two mortgages up to 80 LTV at reasonable rates.

Let me know if you are interested and I can forward appraisals etc for your review.  However I need to make a decision in short order so we will have to move on this if there is some interest.


Dino Filoso



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