Co-Investment - Butterfield Ranch Shopping Center, Temecula, CA

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Hi Dani -

I'm working on with Sterling and Michael on a couple of other deals so if you'd like to send this one over as well that would be great.



Sending you an email with some of the other deals in the Pipeline. Thank you, Danielle

Contact me for more info please.

Warm regards,


All of the property information is listed with this link below and contact information.


Thanks much, Danielle

Hi again, I just though I'd let you know this link is not working, it says "server unavailable".  I'm sure Michael will get back to me though.  -Nichole

Hi Danielle, have you found a lender for this deal yet?  If not I'll do my best to help, I may be reached at 401-309-8399 or at, and I'm also on LinkedIn.  -Nichole Cardillo

I am not sure about this property, but Michael Gustafson or Mark Yadisernia would know:

Thank you,


Thank you Danielle, I contacted Michael by email to ask about it to see if funding is still needed, and I added you on LinkedIn.  -Nichole

Thank you Nicole, I also noticed that the link wasn't working. Odd, but will have to see what happened. Thanks for reaching out to Michael! Cheers!! Dani

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