Loans/lines of credit, credit repair, corporate build outs and trade lines.

I am not selling any programs ( this is  a real service) any program that you purchase is for learning purposes and you are working on a trial and error system. I am providing financing and financing related services only  and my post clearly states that I get paid by "performance". You can't get any more  risk free than that!!!!! No funding no pay, but you have to be careful with that as well. You can get a company that will run up the inquires and completely take you out of the game and only time or money will be able to correct that inquiry issue.

Now that we have covered those topics, let's get to the meat and potatoes. I offer no fee up front, but this is a 2 way street, in order for me to provide you funding in that manner; there are certain things that have to be in place on your end and you have to be funding ready.

If you have a strong corporation that has been built out and can stand on it's own, funding will not be a problem. If the corporation has not been built out to stand on it's own, you will need a strong credit signatory . If  you or a member/officer of the corp doesn't have the 700 credit scores, you can always take on a credit partner( which I have several vendors, that offer that service) with that being said ( there would be a fee for that service) because you are not conducting business on your own legs, but using another entity to help you reach your financial goals and risk equals money in this business.

I also offer personal loans/lines of credit ( no credit cards, but liquid cash) you need a very strong 690 score(with solid trade lines)at that score, but with 700 scores, we can get up to 400k ( takes 5 to 6 business days on average) to get funding. "No upfront fee" I get paid after performance! and those monies can be used for any reason, build out your corp expansion etc.

We can also build out a existing Corporation or build one out, with Dun & Brad, Experian business credit and Equifax commercial credit, Full financials and projections etc., and post up to 4 million in trade lines to the corporation( real trade lines) not vendor lines. This will allow you to get funding on your own dime or we can get the funding for you respectfully. The funding portion of the transaction , doesn't require any up front monies" I get paid for performance" but the build out would cost you, up front. (21 to 30 days for the build out)


We also sell Corporations that are ready to go with bank accounts, credit cards, lines of credit and are funding ready, but those are not cheap, because the money is being placed in your lap. The way it works is we  charge a percentage of what the company is worth in credit and liquid cash. We leverage the corporation and you move forward on the fast track.

I also offer credit repair and trade lines for clients that want to stand on their own and not use a credit partner, but have credit issues. This is very cost effective , in comparison to using a credit partner. This in not the old ways of sending in letters and requesting removal. My cleaning ranges from 14 to 30 days, depending on the number of accounts on the credit report. Our trade lines are real in house, trade lines, not farmed out, so we know our lines will post and when they post, we are also the only company operating in trade lines, that I know of  that has a  surety bond on our trade lines. Why, because we know they post! ( This service requires a fee up front, but we are the most inexpensive in the business)

If you have fair credit and , just need a little boost to your score, we can add one line or a small package deal, that will not hurt your pocket and allows you to get funding and grow your business.

I hope this has cleared up any questions you may have Kiambu, as I have done, what one no on this site has done, since I have been a member and that is lay everything out on the table in black and white, so that there is no hidden terms.



I wish you all the best in reaching your financial goals.


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I would be very interested in speaking with you about ascertaining funding to purchase residential properties to fix and flip or to hold as rental property here in Indianapolis. If you could please contact me at 317-777-5898 I would greatly appreciate it.


Phil Young, President

Renovation Authorities of Indianapolis, Inc.

please send info to

thank you

Please send me information on your lending programs.


I'm a REI investing in South Florida.  I'm looking for funding for my deals.  I have already a contract on a property and I project to buy ten more properties in 2013.

Give me more informations at jacques


I'm interested in a line of credit for my company, please forward me details on any programs the you have.

O'Neil S. Thompson


looking for bridge loan to finish rehab and refi on single family, I need about 30,000 to carry cost and repay debt on rehab to lower credit debt ratio. credit good, I have this property posted with low income housing for 1400.00 amonth. house has free and clear title. ARV is around 100,000. please let me know if you can help....  Thanks

please send me more info,,, thanks  Ed Gibson  at or

We buy 10 - 15 rehab properties a month, I have also 7 commercial properties for refi., please contact me at, 818-384-9072.

Would you fund the down payement for a % of equity and rent in apartment building acquisition 100% occupied with positive cash flow? The seller is financing 80% and we have to bring 20% CASH DOWN plus $3000 acquisition fee.

If interested please contact

Thank you.

What is your process in obtaining a loan for a rehab?

Send details to:

I want more informations for your loans for REI in Florida.


Jacques Adam


I have few different multimillion projects on the table and would like to discuss with you, can You please contact me @-  or call me @ 519-280-0402

Stan Olech


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