Bridge Loan Financing Available. We Are A Direct Private Lender!

Streit Lending - Direct Private Bridge Lender

Loan Criteria:

Financing Types:    First and Second Trust Deeds. 

Loan Types:            Acquisitions, Refinances, Rehabs, Bank Turn-Downs, Discounted Note Payoffs,                                REO Purchases, Bankruptcy Exits, Ground-Up Construction (CA only) and                                        more.

Location:                 Major Metro Areas in California, the Western, Midwestern & Southern United                                     States. 

Property Type:         Residential and commercial properties.

Loan Amounts:         $300,000 - $5,000,000.

Loan to Value:         70%

Interest Rates:          Starting at 8%.

Origination Fee:       2 to 4 points.

Term:                       1-2 years.

For more information: 

Please contact Auri Streit - (818) 787-6940 or 

Visit our website:

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Will you do blanket loans on SFR properties?

Hi Kevin, 

As long as the properties are located in or around a major MSA, we will do blanket loans on SFR properties. 

You guys lend on distressed notes 1st position ? Buying it at 50cents on the dollars, foreclosuring on the note, renovating it and reselling it.

Hi Daniel, 

Unfortunately, we do not lend against notes. 


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