Minimum $200M – $5B

Clients that have GENUINE bank instruments of between $200m and $5b can receive a non-recourse loan of up to 80% value of the instrument.

  • This is drawn down in stages over a twenty six week period.
  • Clients must have a project in principle with only an executive summary studied.
  • The instrument must be able to be secured by swift.
  • Leased instruments are also allowed.
  • clients net 70% after fees and due diligence fees are paid from the draw down, no upfront fees
  • Funds raised via this method, can if the client requires, be used on Private Placement Platform.
  • Clients retain ownership of the instrument, providing the funder can demonstrate investment into particularly humanitarian projects, but again not essential.
  • He receives a considerable reduction in his companies’ tax dues from his country of origin, which is substantial.
  • He benefits greatly in this way.
  • Non-recourse of course means non repayable.

This is very specialized and available to the very few High Net Worth Clients, with Genuine Bank Securities. Providing clients can meet the criteria, it may provide a solution for you. The emphasis will always be on the Client to prove their Securities are the Real Thing.

Acceptable Securities are – Government Bonds, MTN’S, BG’S, SBLC…etc

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Do You Have Genuine Securities?

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