They have creative capital sources who can structure a loan for that apartment building you want to buy, refinance or rehabilitate.
Apartment Building Investors have been turning to Winston Rowe & Associates because many conventional banks have been turning down borrowers looking for apartment building financing.
They provide a commercial lending platform backed by seasoned, experienced professionals, enabling Winston Rowe & Associates to provide a one-stop solution for loans for all multifamily property types.
Their apartment building funding solutions are offered at competitive rates, so owners and investors can spend less on interest and fees and maximize their investment profits on their apartment building or complex.
Winston Rowe & Associates provides highly customized apartment financing solutions to help meet the individual and investment needs and requirements of its borrowers.
Refinancing Solutions for Apartment Building:
No upfront fees for processing and due diligence
Solutions for all 50 States
Purchase, Cash Out and Refinance
Loan amounts starting at $1,000,000.
Discount note payoff with no new cash required
Portfolio repositioning
Winston Rowe & Associates always welcomes the opportunity to speak with clients directly. The can be contacted at 248-246-2243 or visit them on line at