35+ Unit Student Housing, Need 3 Yr, No Prepayment Penalty, Bridge Loan


There is a 35+ Unit student housing apartment complex available, built in 1998, in Utah. I need a $350K, 3 year, NO prepayment penalty, bridge loan.

The sellers have medical problems and are trying to get funds for treatment, I need an additional $350K. The property has a 7.1% Cap rate, and has occupancy of 90%. Yes, that is a class A with a 7.1% cap rate. Between the two and three year mark the property will refinance.

Please contact me at steven 'at' mhfinvestments.com

Thank you.

Steven Roberts.

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Send me a executive summary of your project with full contact information.

Will then call you to discuss or call me at (515) 554-5541



Sam Thomas

Steven please send me an executive summary for the project mhaineskw@gmail.com. Let me see if I can help you.

Mike Haines

Seller disclosed some information that I was not aware of. Hold on for a little bit while I sort some things out.


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