I have a borrower who has a 92 acre sand/dirt mine in Florida worth $10,750,000.  He is looking to get a 1-2 year term loan.

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My Name Is Clarkson Charles, I’m A Private Money Lender  Located In Medford,OR Area , I Offer All Kinds Of Loans Including Secured And Unsecured Loans From $10,000 To $800,000,000 At 5% Interest Rate With No Repayment Penalty,Contact Me Directly Mailto:(  Clarksoncharlesllc@Gmail.Com  ) I Shall Send You My Loan Terms And Condition.

Give Me A Call Me For More Information About Funding Your Deals.






Cell :(541) 568-6361


We worked on a similar loan request a few years ago.  I am sure the lenders we worked with back then would be happy to take a look at this request as well.

I can be reached at jerry@greenmountainfs.com or (516) 596-1456.

Jerry Skolnick

I offer wide range of loans, my service is fast and due at a very low and minimum rate of 5% to suit your needs.

f you haven't secured funding, please contact me. I 'm a commercial brokers who works with a number of verified lenders capable of funding your  a loan request.  I can be reached at stephen.l.mitchell@gmail.com 

Best regards 

I offer wide range of loans, my service is fast and due at a very low and minimum rate of 5% to suit your needs.

I'm curious, is there a business associated with this land?

What LTV or loan request?, What's the money being used for? Are they liquid or have cashflow to pay the loan?

The statement is generic


I would be happy to give you more specifics.  As you can see from most of the responses they are middle men trying to promote themselves and not interested in the loan.  A complete waste of everyone's time.  I intentionally gave just enough data to see who can do a land loan in Florida.  I did state in the title it is a $2.0 mm loan so the Ltv is approximately 19% based on our value.  Feel free to connect with me directly at bizloans@ARCequity.com.  I do have an investor reviewing this file now however I have a couple of others in the works.  Let me know what you can do.  I look forward to connecting with you.


I offer wide range of loans, my service is fast and due at a very low and minimum rate of 5% to suit your needs.


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