Looking For Hard Money Lenders And Private Investors! Ready To Start! Plenty Of Houses Available In The Area! Experienced Investor That Will Keep Getting You Fast Returns On Your Money! Contact Me!

My company’s name is Immaculate Investments which was originally JWS Services, Inc. when it was originated in 2005 in Beaumont, Texas. My company was strictly a fix and flip company and I have been successful in completing multiple flips until 2008 when I went through a divorce and had to restructure my life. I also used a hard money lender, Investor Lending Services, which ended up closing down, but when I was with the company I was the most successful investors in the Beaumont/Port Arthur/Groves/Orange (Golden Triangle) area. I am now looking to get back into the house flipping business and I am looking for Investors that are looking for quick, guaranteed returns from an experienced house flipper. If interested I have the documents to back up my work and will show that my flips were repaired quick with quality work and afterwards were appraised way above market value and were still sold quickly! Right now is a perfect time to buy in the Golden Triangle and Houston area due to a lot of great houses being on the market due to Hurricane Harvey. People are even looking for help to get their houses fixed and get a mortgage on them to get back in them due to them being paid off but they had no flood insurance. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to working with you soon! 

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Hi Jameica,

I just sent you a friend request with message.

I am willing to get you funding you want and need to get back flipping.

Just let me know.


Hello Jameica

Would you have interest in gap funding?  If so, just email me at samcthomas45@gmail.com  for more details.  Thanks Sam

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