I am looking for a loan for an investment I am doing, the amount I need is $5 million and I would need the length of the loan to be for 10 years.

I would also need three months before I make my first payment, it takes time to set up the investment so that it starts paying me money.

Note the money would not be used for real estate.

Please let me know what your terms would be along with what documents you would need from me and what the cost would be (i.e. principal, interest etc).

You can contact me either by phone or email, no text please.

Thank you 

Jeffery  310-707-3509  jnpinvestments@earthlink.net

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I would love to work with you if you are still interested in funding? 

Below is my contact: 

Mr Guillermo Munoz 





Looking forward to hear from you. 

Need capital contact me on info@ostenddev.com


Send your business plan to info@xandafinancial.com


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