Looking for a lender or individual that can fund a smaller transaction ($60,000 or so) for an individual who has filed and is waiting for his final interview to gain citizenship. The Borrower's asylum request is for political reasons (Palestinian refugee). He has been in the US since 2016. Since then, he has settled in Cleveland, obtained employment and recently purchased the small business for which he worked. The Seller of the business wishes to sell to our Borrower the mixed-use building in which the Borrower's business is located. Thus, an owner-occupied building! Two residential units are attached to the commercial building.

Borrower has good credit and funds for down payment. Rent from the residential units as well as the Borrower's reduced cost of rent/funds will allow the building to cover sufficiently. Note: Borrower does not have a green card but we have excellent legal immigration documentation and will provide.

Please contact me if you can assist in funding or directing me appropriately. Thank you.

Dana Korosi

Riverstone Capital Consultants


P - 216.322.4523

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I would certainly develop a crowd funding campaign for the acquisition...worst case scenario you get enough crowd to put down 20-25 % and fund the balance with one of several commercial lenders that we use. If you do not have one let mew know and we will happily refer you to a company that is likely to fund with 20% down!!!  GA joy

Mission Financial, Ltd : Mission.Financial.Ltd@gmail.com

Or: G.Arthur.Joy@gmail.com   HAppy to educate and help!!! 


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