$260 Million Resort Development in the Bahamas, Needs a Raw Land Loan

Hello Folks!

I have a new project that needs a Land Loan to get to the next level. Or if possible, would love to find a Direct Lender that can work with this specific scenario..
Please see the particulars below...

The project is a "Shovel Ready Stage" Resort Development in the Bahamas. They need $260 Million USD to complete the project.
They own the land Free and Clear and is valued at over $250M according to the Appraisal done in 2011.
I already have the Business Plan, Principal's Bio's and the Appraisal.

I would like to know if a Lender would be interested in funding the entire project, using the land as their main contribution/collateral, Or if a Lender could just do a Land Loan of about $10M for them to come to me and my Lender that can fund the project, but requires 3% of the Loan Amount in Cash, to proceed.

As you can see, I do have a Lender already interested in the project, but the problem is that he won't take the raw land as collateral. He needs 3% in Cash only in order to get the funding.

If you are interested in either of the scenarios, I can make the introduction right away.
Direct Lenders Only PLEASE!..

Thank you very much!

German Chavez
Financial Consultant
Mobile: (619)818-8349

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