My client, a Japanese company, is looking for hotel development funding to complete a 5-star hotel renovation project in Myanmar. Are you possibly interested in offering funding/joint venture for the development of the hotel please? One scenario is having a non recourse loan, mezzanine, and the rest could be preferred stock and minority shares. This would result in 60% ownership for the JV partner.

Myanmar economy has been growing fast in the past 2 years and is expected to enjoy hyper economic growth after lifting US and EU sanctions.

Further project information: 
skype: marcus_brokerage

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We can help you with the loan. We offer personal, company and business loans to individuals and companies in severe need. Apply now and get your financial problems solved. The interest rate is 3% yearly. Contact us via e-mail:

Hello Marcus -

I might be able to assist if your client has some Capital for Reserves...

• 100%  project funding

• Real-­‐estate, business growth and new business projects • $1 million to $500 million USD per project
• Share in 30% to 40% of net profits, plus 6% interest compounded annually • A passive investor – They do not take an equity position
• Capital provided monthly over 12 to 48 months (No lump sum loans)
• Client must have a minimum of 1% to 10% of capital required for reserve fund
• Generally no due diligence fees

 If this might be a fit, I would be happy to try and assist - Linda

Linda King, Owner
Legacy Asset Solutions
407-340-2319 cell EDT


Contact me


Good afternoon, We can help you. Please you contact me at your earliest convenience at 717-245-855.

You can reach my partner as well:

Courtney Lawrence

Funding Specialist | The Business Finance Store

200 E. Sandpointe Ave Suite 750| Santa Ana, CA 92707 

Phone:  (949) 777-5509 | Fax:   (949) 309-2731




Finance Specialist

Felix Lopez


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