Short Term Financing for Acquisitions, EMD, Expenses, NOT a Loan

Capital is available nationwide for short term acquisitions and for Free and Clear Properties with the following parameters:

*        $10,000-$99,000                     

*        Up to 90 days

*        Best used to acquire less-costly properties to quickly fix/flip or maybe wholesale flip

*      Best used with properties that are owned free & clear by an investor

*        Up to 40% LTV (Loan To Value) of FMV (Fair Market Value)

*        No upfront or hidden fees. Quick funding decisions

*        No points, no interest. Not a loan.

*        Funding is a Joint Venture (JV), cash-on-cash type investment

*        Available in all 50 states & DC

*        N.O.O. (Non-Owner-Occupied), investor-owned properties only

*        Investment must be secured by a 1st position note/deed

Why you should use us for your short term financing?

  -     It is directed at those who cannot or will not use Hard Money Lenders (1-3 months

                terms, low FICO score, have no cash, or do not qualify for some other reason) 

           -    We make quick fix/flips possible, for smaller deals, that were previously impossible

          -     We normally fund in days, not weeks (for qualified deals)

          -     We do not require an appraisal, credit check or income verification 

          -     Use our funds to get past temporary cash flow hurdles

          -     Pay overdue: taxes, liens, HOA fees

          -     Use our funds for building permits, closing costs, materials                    

          -     Bring payments up to date on other urgent loans

          -     Pay off a small note so property can be sold or refinanced

          -     Get properties out of probate, foreclosure, tax or sheriff’s sale   

          -     Don’t tie up your personal capital, use ours

          -     Allows investors to leverage themselves into more deals

For more details please email

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