I need a loan of $ 90,000/ I placed this property in escrow 8 months escrow with an intention to subdivide into residential lots, Having prepared all professional reports and working with engineer,  I am close to the tail end. Adjoining lot was sold for $ 180,000 eighteen months ago- all cash- all other things being equal. However I was able to get the subject property $ 70,000 for fast close. I spent $ 24,000 for the work past 8 months. Current value is around $ 200,000/- In next four months I will put it up for sale $ 300K with TTM delivery. I will secure with first TD with 10% interest+ participation in profit. It is fully secured with 1st secured TD. If you want to be partner, Be my guest. For more info write to Puruamin@gmail.com--subject heading "Seneca Property".

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