I have a client seeking a bridge loan for acquisition of an industrial portfolio in a Midwest city near a major airport. This is a distress sale and he needs $12M and is looking for 10% rate for 6 months with a 6 month option for renewal. Original value of properties was in excess of $50M. Borrower is very strong financially. This portfolio has some national tenants and will be repositioning rest of the properties. Need a 30 day closing.

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Monte feel free to call me 843-465-3996 or email ag29577@gmail.com


What's more important to the borrower - terms or the quick close?The reason I ask is because if this file checks out, I could probably bring better than 10% rate to the table (more in the 6-7s), but it might be at that 30 day cusp (possibly faster, but dependent). 

Obviously there are many questions, but let me know.  Offsite is best.

Thank you.

Jared Rine





Attached is information on a funding program to consider. Should you have questions please contact me.


Phillip Walker

Stone Creek Financial Services

Phone: 510-575-1709

Fax: 1-855-203-6081


Monte - Please reach out to me at (203) 327-3327 or mdeibel@knightheadfunding.com.  I am a direct private equity lender based in Greenwich, Connecticut and I lend on a variety of asset classes nationwide.  30-day closings are not an issue.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Max Deibel

I tried to call you. You can contact me at monte.alexander1951@gmail.com.  I would like to find out more

Can help you.




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