We do NOT tie up your credit or possessions for collateral
NO up front fees!

TENS of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in CASH to use for YOUR Business:

* Buy needed equipment
* Pay off debt
* Expand to new markets
* Advertise for new customers
* Acquire other businesses
* Hire employees

Now YOU can achieve the business success you envisioned when you first started out. Remember how you had one BIG, CLEAR, GOAL in mind? But then all the complications of expenses, paperwork, a recovering economy -- they all worked to LIMIT your possibilities.

Now it seems everything is half as profitable and four times as expensive!

HERE is the HELP You Need! Now you can achieve ANYTHING YOU want with the ready CASH to do it.

Along with your $25,000 to $250,000 CASH we provide you with:

- A free credit builder service from Dun & Bradstreet: This is a
$69 value!
- A free month of service with Opus Virtual Office: This is a
$100 value!
- A free year's membership to Angie's List. This is a $30 value
- A free (yes, free!) logo design, business card design, and 4
page website: This is a $1000+ value!

Why are we offering this? For the past 5 years traditional banks have NOT been loaning to small business. Yet businesses like YOURS are the backbone of our economy. Our group is determined to right the course and return OPPORTUNITY and INNOVATION to our economy through the genius of small business owners like YOU!

Learn more and let's get YOU STARTED: http://www.prodsllc.com

Email me when you're ready and remember, No up front fees and credit lines go against your business, not you!!

Views: 265

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Replies to This Discussion

Would you be interested in work with us a brokers?


Please send me more/full information (requirements) for funding.

Phil Brooks National Diverse Properties, LLC 678-807-9075




Hello,  I am interested in getting started with this program. I am looking to build a REI business, I need cash for startup and the credit builder program. Please email me the information to get started. tehayden64@gmail.com




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