Hello Everyone,

We have several Investment networking contacts within the US that currently are seeking projects to fun!  Their criteria will range from $150,000.00 to well over $800,000,000.00 for Projects in the US, Canada and International countries where US investment involvement is allowed.  These groups find creative resources for solid projects!

We do have access to 100% financing on certain Projects with strict criteria and ample documentation.

Most groups are seeking 5 to 12% interest from 1 to 30 years, some additional points may apply.

We tend to work more with Commercial or Business Projects and are NOT seeking to purchase properties at this time!

Let me know if we can help!


407-340-2319 EDT

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I'm not sure of what type of product you're offering here. Would you mind elaborating?

I am looking for a bridge loan in order to leverage my buying power, for investment,  commercial /
residential/ land and multifamily properties. I have about 4 properties/projects. I NEED FUNDING NOW  !!! I have two others deal funding in 60 days and one in 90 days that has closed that will able me to pay back the investment in full.Plus,I have GOLD trades I can run every 14 days after closing these projects.
Please contact me at 678-768-7228 or email sherricrawford1@gmail.com



Please e-mail me some more information. We do residential, Commercial and land loans and our seek more investers.




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