We are looking for a CRE Acquisition Bridge loan structured as...........

We are looking for a CRE Acquisition Bridge loan structured as equity investment with up to 45% equity, or interest only balloon or bullet loan, paid off at the 3rd or 4th Year of up to $50M for funding the acquisition of a diversified real estate portfolio containing of residential multifamily, retail, office projects in the Southeast, GA, FL, AL, SC, NC, FL, DE, during time of loan backed solely by the CRE to bridge the gap between the acqusisition of the income producing properties and finally PIPE investor financing.

alphafundinvest@gmail.com  206 337 6665

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How soon do you need the loan ???

Reply back to me at brightloans24@gmail.com

Eric, if you have an executive summary, please email it to me and let me see if we can help you with this.

Please email to: hardmoneyloans4you@gmail.com



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