Requested funding for construction

and or for end client mortgages

Possibilities for Joint Venture

Long Island, Bahamas.

CBRE land valuation (free of debt) value 8.75 million

Infrastructure just under 1 million.

Please be in touch if you finance in Caribbean, and your terms of business.

If you are interested in JV, also be in touch.

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Will send please provide email.

prinicipals meet mid may

Private money loan backed with $500 Billion

NO POINTS, 100% Financing, No credit verification, Stated Income, Stated Assets, Any Size Loan, No Prepay Penalty. 30 year loan. Commercial, Residential, Construction, Purchase or Refi, Acquisition  Any State or Country.

This is not Hard Money our pricing is usually lower then conventional lending.

Thank you and here is a message to all funders.

Had a meeting with one of the principals today, his partner is in the middle east on business, and will be back in approx 3 weeks.

The business plan needs to be more robust.

15th May, met with one of the principals, his partner the other principle, is engaged on business in the mid east.

We are working more on the business plan. Will update funders accordingly.


NEPCO, INC is a private commercial lender with capital participant’s, affiliates and assignees interest in financing viable project.  Our process is simple, consistent and fully transparent.

We are a direct participating funding source offering several programs with Private equity and capital up to 100% funding either debt or equity or combination worldwide- $1M and above!  Funding based on strength of project not LTV or LTC.  We are interested in the Energy, Technology, Mining, Business and Real Estate based markets.

Your ability to prove the project is viable, the market is interested or in need and you can satisfy this need and deliver the product to the market will determine the success of your endeavor.


Thank you Ron, when the principals have a more robust business plan + are ready to move forward, all parties will be contacted.

We are private equity & venture capital investment company who are ready to fund projects in the form of debt finance.

Do you need a loan to Enhance your business? Loan to Consolidate your Debt? Loan for personal uses? Loan for credit Card? Mortgage Loan? We are the
solution to your financial problem. We grant loan to both cooperate and private entities at a low interest
rate. The terms are very flexible and interesting.

Kindly revert back if you have projects that needs funding for further discussion and negotiation.

Best Regards,
Richard Max.
(872) 225-2819
Address: 4625 Sherland  Rd,Mountain View,
CA 94043, USA.

Up to 100% financing on property owned free and clear.  If you or your company owns land in the Caribbean FREE AND CLEAR OR WITH A SMALL MORTGAGE We may be able to partner with you to develop your project. NO UPFRONT FEES Call  Maverick Robinson with Next Step Capital Funding 302 384 2322 or email me at

Jeff and all parties.

I have not heard from the project owners for a while. I will re connect with them to see where they are in the process, if they have moved forward. thank you.

Hi ,
I Represent a (Private JV Equity Firm) in NYC. I offer Virtually 100% Funding, in trade with 10% Refubdable Deposit from Client. Which is held in a U.S. Bona Fide Escrow Acct, that is held until final profit is realized,at end of the Funding process. In trade we take a JV Stake in the Project,for up to 36monts ,or until you buy us out. NO INTEREST PAYMENTS ,FOR THE ENTIRE TERM. We Are JV Equity Partners. We can close in 4-6 weeks with , only exec,plan,Experience, 10% DP refundable funding Deposit.
No Credit,6 month bank statements,Tax Returns, required ,accept to verify 3 day verification of the 6% funds.
Please contact me to discuss your funding needs ASAP.
Matt Picone;



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