This is how the process works when using transactional funding:

1.The Buyer/Investor/Flipper, called party “B,”writes a contract to purchase a property from the Seller “A.”

2.The Buyer “B” signs a contract with end Buyer “C” to purchase the property on the same day that “B” purchases it from “A.”

3.”B” seeks transactional funding to fund the deal in order to buy the property from “A” and sell it to “C”.

Now as far as advantages of Our Transactional Funding Services, just take a look at some of them:

· Limited to no Risk - you are not putting up any Collateral besides the property being flipped

· Lower fees than Hard Money and fees are taken out of the proceeds at closing

· Proof of funds letter provided by the Transactional Funding Lender

· Credit score and Income of the Borrower are not an issue

· No Executive Summary/Business Plan Needed

· Residential or Commercial Properties

· Transactional Funding up to 45 Days

· Minimum: $1M Maximum: $200M

· No Equity Given-up, No Partnerships

· 100% Financing of the Purchase Price

· Closing Cost are also rolled into the deal

· Easy and straightforward paperwork

· No LTV Criteria to worry about

· No Appraisal or BPO Needed

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Replies to This Discussion

Can you provide me with your contact information and more details of this funding option to

Are there any up-front fees?

i have one for you! email me at


Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Thank you

John Galloway



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