Wholesale or Distressed Properties Needed...

Hello REF Members - 

We currently have two investment teams seeking out residential and commercial properties that are off-market, distressed or wholesale.

They are actively seeking the following in ALL US states:

SFR from $45,000 - $650,000

Multi-Fam - All

Apartments - All

Hotel - High End preferred

Commercial - Each Reviewed

Mini Bulk or Bulk properties

Non-Performing Notes

If you have these types of properties, let us know!

We look forward to helping out where we can - Linda

Views: 122


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Comment by Daniel bedford on November 4, 2014 at 8:29pm


is there any up front fees and what are the specifics of your program. do you lend in VA. email me at dj_bedford2@yahoo.com

Comment by Torrey Manning on November 1, 2014 at 9:57am

I have exactly what you seek. I am a wholesaler in the Atlanta market but I have inventory in other markets like South Florida, NC, VA, AZ... NPN's as well. Please email me your full criteria and must be all cash closings. manningandmanningllc@gmail.com

Comment by Linda King on October 28, 2014 at 7:31am

Hey Chuck - you can reach me at linda.legacy.asset.solutions@gmail.com or Eastern Time on my cell at 407-340-2319.  Thanks for connecting! 

Comment by Chuck Catchings on October 28, 2014 at 6:59am

Hi Linda, you didn't include any contact info but I would like more info if possible mainly on your SFRs, Multifamily and bulk SFR packages. I own my own company and I have a network of wholesalers that I work with in different states. So I need to know what your fee policy is if I send you properties. I have over 30 years in all phases of SFR & multifamily construction and real estate. I am not a licensed agent or broker. You can contact me directly at chuckcatchings@clearstreamtrading.com if your interested, thank you.

Mr. Catchings

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