Loan Amounts               $100,000 to $1,500,000


Loan Purpose               • Purchase

                                      • Refinance (rate/term & cash-out)


Property Types             single family

                                        • Class I: multifamily (5+ units) and mixed-use

                                        • Class II: office, retail, warehouse, self-storage, automotive services


Debt Coverage Ratio      Class I: 1.20 | Class II: 1.25

LTV                                   Class I: 70% | Class II: 70%

Fixed Period                    3 & 5 year options

Minimum FICO                650 Middle Score

Pricing                             Rates starting as low as 6.99%

Term                                30 year fully amortizing / 30 year loan

Prepayment Penalty        Equal to the fixed period


                                        • Simple loan documents

                                        • No loan committees

                                        • Common sense underwriting

                                        • Permanent financing, NO balloons

                                        • Quick Closings – 20-45 days!



Peter Abraham

813 400-3537 office


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We have a property that the ARV is 145k and we owe 125k to our lenders.  The property has been fully rehabbed.  We would like to refi with a long term loan in order to rent/lease to own the property.  Would this be something you could help with?  Please email me at


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