Islamic Finance - Would you like to be a Islamic Financing Specialist ?

Are you interested to know more about Islamic Financing, and how it may be your daily tool ?

I would like to open a brand new forum with Islamic Financing, and I need members here to tell me if they have interest into this.

There will be online Business Hangout`s with maximum 25 participants, and you will be invited by email or phone 1 week before, on these hangout`s we will have the possibility to talk face to face, and some may learn the benefits of Islamic Financing.

If you are interested to learn more about Islamic Financing, please do let me know, add. me as a friend here, or send me a PM.

I hope to see many new faces on our FIRST Hangout.

Best Professional Regards

Nicklas Hoffmann

Example on Hangout No.1

  1. What are the most lucrative sectors in Islamic finance for entrepreneurs to tap into?

  2. How can Shariah-compliant financing benefit entrepreneurs in comparison to raising conventional financing?

  3. There are many Islamic financial hubs around the world. Which countries hold the most opportunities for entrepreneurs and why?

  4. What advice would you give to an entrepreneur who is new to Islamic finance?

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