I fund and structure JV/Equity/Debt for qualified projects National and international most venues

I offer almost 40 years experience in the financial industry, 30+ years funding projects from my own balance sheet.  I am direct and gatekeeper to my closed P.E./lender groups and I am Executive Vice President of a closed PE group in Canada.

I look for funding requests of $10M and up..no max.  You must have CASH already in the project, and CASH/LIQUIDITY reserve funds available. Projects must be shovel ready.

If you have a qualified project, are the project principal and seek funding contact me direct at chuckkabis@gmail.com

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Dear Sir/ma,

I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also offer sales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5)%+x%. X% IS Lessee broker's Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities to discount BG and Put you into PPP Trading.

Contact me through this email:(lavgolova009@gmail.com,lavgolova009@yahoo.com,lavgolova009@outlook.com,mhn505@gmail.com) or through skype: (stangolva) in other to furnish you with other information.


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