Detroit a State of Financial Ruin


Bankrupt: reduced to a state of financial ruin. By definition I find it hard to believe that Detroit is bankrupt.  Dan Gilbert has Quicken Loans and thriving properties. The Illitch empire has the Fox Theatre, Comerica Park, owns the Red Wings and has numerous parcels of land in the downtown everyone that has been the talk of the town lately. Roger Penske, another high-power mogul brings formula one racing to Belle Isle every year. There is so much hope and prosperity….we are far from financial ruin.

 I am exhausted from seeing the news clips showing the most desperate images of Detroit and not showing the great places to go or those neighborhoods that reflect that the everyday American lives here.

Amongst the everyday person, could be the next Dan Gilbert or Mike Illitch. Detroit has so many talented people that consider it their hometown including Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Ralph Bunche, John Dingell, Francis Ford Copola, Eminem, Stevie Wonder, Steve Ballmer, Albert Kahn, James Earl Jones, Diana Ross, Anita Baker, Bob Seger, Kid Rock and thousands more. These people have left lasting imprints for generations to come. 

It is time for Detroit to do the same. We must invest in this next generation to make the difference. The time is NOW to invest in our young people. We the people of Detroit cannot be ignored; we have plans for Detroit this is not the end but the beginning of our renaissance. We are all inspired by that positive energy that truly does exist. We are further inspired by our President’s lead for “Strong Cities, and Strong Communities”

I pledge to assist in any way possible to direct our collective energies to rebuild Detroit. Help Me!

Thank you for letting me vent.

Fern Ellis Thacker, Associate Broker

StarVision, Special Purpose Real Estate, LLC

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Job retraining in Detroit is URGENT


The situation in the City of Detroit is urgent. The lack of readiness for employment must be taken to the across the region. The education and training received in their early years was never adequate, the desire to achieve a goal was never implied, and the love of learning was not heard.  Now we have multiple generations of illiterate adults with only labor intensive skills. These neighborhoods need access, ability and information to start new businesses and have training for residents in order to improve their job skills and be viable to the community in which we all live.


We have vacant school buildings strategically located in these neighborhoods. These buildings can serve as a flagship for what is so desperately needed as Detroit gives birth to a re-energized and highly skilled workforce. And this is just the beginning. Our training facilities will provide a more skilled labor and technologically advanced workforce.


These job retraining facilities will anchor the community and encourage the family environment that we seem to have steadily lost over the decades.  They will bring added revenues into the city; provide opportunities for housing and renovation of salvageable existing single and multi-family dwellings.

When the new entrepreneur is steady on his feet his business shall move into the surrounding local retail, manufacturing or industrial districts.


StarVision would like to transform these schools into” Environmentally Friendly” emerging industries and job–retraining facilities.  StarVision suggests a reasonable purchase offer to Detroit Public Schools of $1.00 per square foot of building space and $250.00 per acre.


StarVision is prepared to acquire a low interest loan with the 5 properties as collateral.


President Obama has put forth Strong Cities Strong Communities Initiative Strategy.  This bold initiative will have the financial support of The Departments of:   HUD, Education, Commerce and Labor, Environment Protection, Veterans Administration, and National Science and Technology.


StarVision as projects coordinator has assembled an experienced group of professionals for the renovations, maintenance, administration, and accounting. StarVision is looking, preferably for a nonprofit organization, but this is not essential; to acquire the vacant school facilities.


Thank you for your consideration.

Fern Ellis Thacker, Associate Broker


SV StarVision, Special Purpose Real Estate, LLC

The Marquette Building

243 W. Congress Suite # 350

Detroit, Michigan 48226





Fern Ellis Thacker, Associate Broker & Senior Project Manager; has been a real estate broker since 1992 with comprehensive knowledge of construction concepts, strategy and principles, influence stakeholders and develop strategy around the negotiation of contracts.

I'm glad you have been thinking on my proposal for investors in Detroit I have  three clients  looking for financing vacant schools into low income housing, and a private academy for the 3rd.  call me at the number a bouve and I will provide additional information and we can discuss lending rates.

Thank you Mr. Wood


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