Commercial loans offered by our Direct Lender Company are for the acquisition and refinance of commercial real estate or Acquisition & Development Lending.

Loan Programs:
Church Mortgage & Church Loans, Office Loan Programs, Shopping Center Financing, Warehouse Mortgage - Industrial Loan, Hospital, Clinic & Healthcare financing Programs,Self Storage Financing, Hotel Loan - Hotel Mortgage, Mixed Use Financing,Multifamily,Conduit Loans - Conduit Financing, Small Balance Loans. To apply or get more information contact me. AVAILABLE IN ALL STATES

Direct Business Lenders

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Hi Reginald,
Feel free to contact us directly to introduce yourself and validate that you are an actual direct lender. This procedure is in place to assure that our packages are not posted all over the internet by intermediates and that our deals always stay direct. We purchase most of our properties through banks, reo groups, private sellers, etc. Contact us for more details on our inventory and additional investment opportunities. We cannot assist anyone through email only communication and prefer to talk directly so that we can answer all your questions.  We currently have over 15,000 investors in our network that contact us for lending opportunities and we look forward to business expanding with companies/individuals that have full transparency on their need or abilities. This inquiry has been registered under your name and/or your company name. 
With the vast amount of responses for our investment postings it's best you call us back directly for a faster response. We have a no pressure sales approach so call us when you are ready. Times to call M-F 9am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm EST. Sundays feel free to call and leave a message for a return call.

The WPI Group


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