Older, and disable renters depend on Hamilton Investment Properties Community Housing..We manage supportive housing facilities which we develop for our owners. Eight Bedrooms Eight Baths available for 126K. Over $5,000 owner gross less 25% to operating management. 4 such complex planned on land owned free and clear by our IRS designated 501 ( C ) 3 Tax Exempt organization. Visit us at www.hamiltoninvestmentproperties.org and/or call number Web Site for more details
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Older, and disable renters depend on Hamilton Investment Properties Community Housing..We manage supportive housing facilities which we develop for our owners. Eight Bedrooms Eight Baths available for 126K. Over $5,000 owner gross less 25% to operating management. 4 such complex planned on land owned free and clear by our IRS designated 501 ( C ) 3 Tax Exempt organization. Visit us at www.hamiltoninvestmentproperties.org and/or call number Web Site for more details