Barbara Neal

Memphis, TN

United States

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Foreclosure Assistance

Behind on your payment or pending a sale date?
* Difficulty paying your mortgage?
* Trouble getting a loan modification or been denied a modification?
* Trouble dealing with the lender and being threaten with foreclosure?

Contact me today to set up a time for free and confidential consultation at

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  • Justin Canfield

    Hi Barbara, I am interested in the Kingdom Builders Financial program any information you have would be greatly appreciated. I am very interested in getting into the Real Estate industry, and I am trying to get as much info as I can. I have helped out a few friends in the past with real estate questions and both ended up buying their respective houses, this has confirmed to me that my calling is to help educate the public when buying homes. It has also confirmed that I made a mistake in the past by not getting my realtors license. With that being said I would appreciate any help you might afford me.



    Justin Canfield

  • Alan D. Ballard

    I am currently seeking funding for a minimum 10 property Bulk REO acquisition of which I will conduct each CMA.  68% of asking is their criteria and there is an extensive listing of properties.  My CMA's will all be in the Augusta, Georgia area but I can get a CMA done for any area. Contact me at for more details as this is a promising venture.

  • Robert sanders

    Barbara i need a loan for a couple of houses. What is your criteria and rate. Loan term and minimum loan amount. Robert Sanders at RacHan LLC Thanks