Johanne Cathrine Brustad




Profile Information:

Company name and description
JCB Group

Comment Wall:

  • WKL David

    Hi Johanne Cathrine Brustad :

    How are you doing and nice to meet you here !!

    May we have your full contact information including phone # for sending the related funding offer ASAP ?

    David Lee

    David Lee  ( Introducer/Referring Agent)  ; The referral service is allowed under section 1 of regulation 407/07 (Exemptions from the requirements to be licensed in Ontario, Canada
    Registered CFG USA Business Affiliate, Independent Referring Business Affiliate Partner and Finance Agent
    ***As an in dependent introducing/referral agent, please do your own DD FIRST on your side before moving forward to any funding stage with the related principle(s)***
    Private Email: or
    Contact Phone : 647-830-3822 Toronto, Canada
                                 852-67396361 Hong Kong
    Conference Call USA : Toll Number: 1-213-416-1560 | Attendee Access Code: 379 0184