Commercial Financing

This is a group for those seeking/providing information about commercial financing

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  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!


    Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC



    Fix & Flip – Buy & Hold- Construction-REFI-Land-Developers, And More!


    “When most (A) plans meets the real world, the real-world wins. Nothing goes as planned.”

    *If you're thinking about starting your own business or if you need funding for most other reasons there's 3 things that you need to keep in mind.
    1. You need to make a well thought out plan, try to cover everything you want to accomplish and think of what could go wrong along the way. You could create a business plan and or executive summary to use as your guideline. As a rule, it’s best NOT to ask family or friends for money its best to use (other people’s money) a funding source that you have no personal relationship with.
    2.  Expect your plan to fail in part or full in many cases this will happen no matter how well you thought out your plan. Unforeseen obstacles and speed bumps often will come in your path that prevents your plans from going as you had projected.  
    3. Always without exception have a (Plan B). And that's where we come in. We are your Plan B!

    Plan B- Funding Options LLC, is a Referral & Consulting services business. Our team is made up of highly qualified seasoned money raisers who will assist you in obtaining the funding you need.

    Plan B - has several hundred (900 plus) of the most highly qualified and highly rated lenders and direct lenders in the Nation! (Many are publicly traded company's) who will assist you every step of the way by finding you the perfect loan for your situation.

    Although loans are our primary service, we also have our large proven funding network that includes: Individual accredited investors, angel groups, and non-bank lenders, for a wide variety of sectors to include Real Estate funding and Startups also expansion funding and much more.



    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!



    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Ken Voss

    If you’re going through tough times right now don’t let it crush your Hopes & Dreams! Voss Solutions can help you obtain the business, personal, or real estate Funding You Need!


    Hello from Voss Solutions

    The Impossible Funded Daily – Miracles Funded on Request!

    If you need funding just send us an email at and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.

    Our Private Equity Partners and Joint Venture Partners and Private Investors and Direct Lenders can and do fund projects of all types Nationwide as well as Worldwide.



    *We can help with real estate funding needs of all types!

    Voss Solutions was founded in 2005 by Ken Voss a business entrepreneur and U.S. Marine Corps Veteran. I'm the type of person that does things that I say I will, Right Away, I don’t put things Off.


    *Free Business Tools- If you need a Business Plan, we have a free Business Plan Builder template also. A Great read is a (FREE) eBook titled “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, PFS Personal Financial Statement.


    If you need funding but have credit issues we have for years worked with our credit specialists who can help you with that. -


    We have 2 different funding partners who funds lower amounts of $300 Thousand dollars and lower and who we allow the general public to apply with them without being a client of ours.

    !st Funding Partner For $300K or lower -

    2nd Funding Partner For $350k or lower -

    Email: Website: Phone: 949-682-9235

  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    With these uncertain times many people are investing their money in real estate! Real Estate projects of All types! Make up over 70% of our Daily Funding!


    Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC


    Our company name (Plan B) implies that most of the people who come to us have already tried to obtain funding from their local bank or other traditional finance companies and have been turned down in some cases they have been turned down several times.


    Our long time funding partnerships with direct lenders who have their own billion dollar funds set aside to fund people in need of funding are not affected by the current inflation and interest rate problems that most banks are facing now. We also have partnerships with many private equity firms who are ready to fund your projects.


    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!



    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!

    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Fast Small Business Loans Are Available With No Up Front Fees.

    Click On The Following Link To Apply.

  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    With these uncertain times, many people are investing their money in real estate! Real Estate projects of All types! Makeup over 70% of our Daily Funding!


    Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC


    Our company name (Plan B) implies that most of the people who come to us have already tried to obtain funding from their local bank or other traditional finance companies and have been turned down in some cases they have been turned down several times.


    Our long time funding partnerships with direct lenders who have their own billion dollar funds set aside to fund people in need of funding are not affected by the current inflation and interest rate problems that most banks are facing now. We also have partnerships with many private equity firms who are ready to fund your projects.


    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!



    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!

    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Commercial Loan Referral Partners Wanted.

    Earn 15% Commissions Per Funded Loan.

    Click On The Following Link To Start.

  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    With these uncertain times many people are investing their money in real estate! Real Estate projects of All types! Make up over 70% of our Daily Funding!


    Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC


    Our company name (Plan B) implies that most of the people who come to us have already tried to obtain funding from their local bank or other traditional finance companies and have been turned down in some cases they have been turned down several times.


    Our long time funding partnerships with direct lenders who have their own billion dollar funds set aside to fund people in need of funding are not affected by the current inflation and interest rate problems that most banks are facing now. We also have partnerships with many private equity firms who are ready to fund your projects.


    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!



    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!

    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Lending Forest

    Real Estate funding needs of all types Make up about 7 out of 10 of our clients.


     Hello from Lending Forest LLC


    Lending Forest has a time-tested network of hundreds of highly qualified and highly rated lenders and direct lenders (some are publicly traded companies) who will assist you every step of the way by finding you the right loan for your situation. Although loans are our primary focus, we also have our large proven funding network that includes Individual accredited investors, equity partners, angel groups, and non-bank lenders, investment funds for a wide variety of sectors including Real Estate funding and Startup also Expansion funding, and much more.


     Lending Forest can help find you the perfect loan or funding you’re looking for. If your funding needs involve Real Estate of most types or you’re into Technology or Alternative energy or Healthcare perhaps you have a new invention you need funding for or you have a great Oil & Gas deal or Mining deal, we even have funding for Movie/Film deals. Most people come to us to finally be their own boss and want to start their own business or already have a business and need some expansion capital or need an equipment loan or many other reasons, Lending Forest can help you. So, you need to ask yourself "Am I going to be an Entrepreneur or just a "Want-trepreneur "


    *If you need funding just send us an email at

     And explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!


    Visit our website to see what types of funding we can offer you both Nationwide & Worldwide!

     Lending Forest will help you find your financial Pathway.



     Phone: 786-600-1674

  • Ken Voss

    We are the, they, them, “those guys”  Who can help you obtain the business, personal, or real estate Funding You Need!


    Hello from Voss Solutions

    The Impossible Funded Daily – Miracles Funded on Request!

    If you need funding just send us an email at and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.

    Our Private Equity Partners and Joint Venture Partners and Private Investors and Direct Lenders can and do fund projects of all types Nationwide as well as Worldwide.



    *We can help with real estate funding needs of all types!

    Voss Solutions was founded in 2005 by Ken Voss a business entrepreneur and U.S. Marine Corps Veteran. I'm the type of person that does things that I say I will, Right Away, I don’t put things Off.


    *Free Business Tools- If you need a Business Plan, we have a free Business Plan Builder template also. A Great read is a (FREE) eBook titled “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, PFS Personal Financial Statement.


    If you need funding but have credit issues we have for years worked with our credit specialists who can help you with that. -


    We have 2 different funding partners who funds lower amounts of $300 Thousand dollars and lower and who we allow the general public to apply with them without being a client of ours.

    !st Funding Partner For $300K or lower -

    2nd Funding Partner For $350k or lower -

    Email: Website: Phone: 949-682-9235

  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    With these uncertain times, many people are investing their money in real estate! Real Estate projects of All types! Makeup over 70% of our Daily Funding!


    Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC


    Our company name (Plan B) implies that most of the people who come to us have already tried to obtain funding from their local bank or other traditional finance companies and have been turned down in some cases they have been turned down several times.


    Our long time funding partnerships with direct lenders who have their own billion dollar funds set aside to fund people in need of funding are not affected by the current inflation and interest rate problems that most banks are facing now. We also have partnerships with many private equity firms who are ready to fund your projects.


    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!



    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!

    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Obtain Fast Financing From $10,000 To $5,000,000,
    Click On The Following Link To Apply.
  • Mike Lewis

    Puerto Rico loans

    Acquisition, Refinance

    10.5% +
    65% LTV max
    12 - 60 months (5 years)
    2-3 pts origination lender
    1 pt broker
    $300k to $5mm loan amounts

  • Mike Lewis

    Puerto Rico loans

    All commercial and investment real estate property types.

    Special use on a case by case basis.

    Acquisition, Refinance

    10.5% +
    65% LTV max
    12 - 60 months (5 years)
    2-3 pts origination lender
    1 pt broker
    $300k to $5mm loan amounts

    Amounts over $5mm I use a different lender(s) with different terms. Ask if needed.

  • Ken Voss

    Just another dog pulling the sled!


    I hope that you are not making the rookie mistake of thinking that you are some sort of knight in shining armor to your client or any client for that matter and you are going to be the hero who saves the day.


    The day you made your first contact with your client that client like all clients had already contacted 3 dozen other people just like you the same day and had them helping them find funding as well.


     It’s a numbers game for clients they all have dozens of other people and firms looking for funding for them and they do not give a dam who finds the funding first.


    Think of it like this: You are like 1 dog out of several dozens of other dogs who are pulling the client's sled to their financial goals. We are all just a team of dogs in their eyes.


    Don't make the rookie mistake of thinking that your client is just sitting by the phone holding their breath waiting for you to call and tell them that you found them funding.


    If you need funding and would like us to be a part of your team pulling you to your financial goals, then send us an email to and explain your funding needs.


    If you are a broker or an affiliate or just someone who knows someone who needs funding and you have not been able to fund them yet, then send them to  and I will pay you a part of our fees.




    Phone: 949-682-9235

  • Mike Lewis

    2 Commercial Loan Programs.

    1 we ARE the direct lender, the other we are direct TO lender and we get 1 point on top of lender origination.

    Direct lender:

    Bridge loans 12/3 . Max loan $1MM. 12 month term. 3 month PPP. 70% max LTV


    No California, Dakotas, Hawaii, Alaska, Louisiana , Nevada .

    Land it would need to be pretty incredible with a clear exit plan.

    Direct TO Lender:

    $3mm - $50mm
    No Dakotas, Hawaii, Alaska, Louisiana , Nevada

    10% to 13% I/O
    Origination Points 3 lender, 1 broker
    6 mo PPP
    12-24 month term
    70% max LTV
    No property type restrictions

  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    With these uncertain times, many people are investing their money in real estate! Real Estate projects of All types! Makeup over 70% of our Daily Funding!


    Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC


    Our company name (Plan B) implies that most of the people who come to us have already tried to obtain funding from their local bank or other traditional finance companies and have been turned down in some cases they have been turned down several times.


    Our long time funding partnerships with direct lenders who have their own billion dollar funds set aside to fund people in need of funding are not affected by the current inflation and interest rate problems that most banks are facing now. We also have partnerships with many private equity firms who are ready to fund your projects.


    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!



    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!

    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Ken Voss

    If you’re thinking about waiting until the economy gets better to obtain funding to start your new business or start a new real estate project or any other important venture, You’re going to be waiting a very long time and missing out.



    Hello from Voss Solutions

    The Impossible Funded Daily – Miracles Funded on Request!

    If you need funding just send us an email at and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    We can help you with real estate projects of most types and real estate funding needs.


    Our Private Equity Partners and Joint Venture Partners and Private Investors and Direct Lenders can and do fund projects of most types. Nationwide as well as Worldwide.



    We welcome legitimate lenders & private equity firms to contact us about joining our team as a funding partner-


    If you don’t need funding but might know someone who might, That’s great because we have a great Referral Program so you can make money just by helping someone else -

    *Free Business Tools- If you need a Business Plan, we have a free Business Plan Builder template also. PFS Personal Financial Statement guideline And  A Great read is a (FREE) eBook titled “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill



    Email: Website: Phone: 949-682-9235

  • Ken Voss

    Occam's Razor would say to contact Voss Solutions for your funding needs Today! Occam's Razor put simply, states: “The simplest solution is almost always the best.” "When you hear hoofbeats think horses, not zebras"


    Hello from Voss Solutions

    The Impossible Funded Daily – Miracles Funded on Request!

    If you need funding just send us an email at and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    We can help you with real estate projects of most types and real estate funding needs.


    Our Private Equity Partners and Joint Venture Partners and Private Investors and Direct Lenders can and do fund projects of most types. Nationwide as well as Worldwide.



    We welcome legitimate lenders & private equity firms to contact us about joining our team as a funding partner-


    If you don’t need funding but might know someone who might, That’s great because we have a great Referral Program so you can make money just by helping someone else -

    *Free Business Tools- If you need a Business Plan, we have a free Business Plan Builder template also. PFS Personal Financial Statement guideline And  A Great read is a (FREE) eBook titled “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill



    Email: Website: Phone: 949-682-9235

  • David Kindopp


    No appraisal

    No credit check

    The real estate qualifies the loan

    Up to 65% CLTV – for first and second loans

    $250k to $5 million

    Quick close. As little as 7 days for a clean file.

    Can also loan on LP or GP interests.

    No up-front fees.

    Perfect for stabilized commercial properties.

    Multi-family. Office. Warehouse. Industrial. Retail.

    Pull cash out of your property without having to refinance.

    Subordinated debt provided to commercial real estate owners who want to unlock their equity to grow their portfolio, and not mess with a sweet existing low-interest, long term loan.

    For example.

    New $1.9 million 2nd loan on apartments. Value of $13 million with only $6.5 million in debt. Money for property improvements.

    $1.4 million new 2nd. Shopping center valued at $50 million with $32 million in debt. Sponsor needed cash for another investment.

    Typical borrower: Experienced and sophisticated commercial real estate investors. They are asset rich but temporarily liquidity poor with the need to quickly access capital in order to take advantage of a time-sensitive situation.

    Short succinct e-mail inquiry always better than a quick text.

    And always looking for loan requests from $250k to about $50 million in the USA.

    David Kindopp


  • Ken Voss

    We are the, they, them, “those guys”  Who can help you obtain the business, personal, or real estate Funding You Need!


    Hello from Voss Solutions

    The Impossible Funded Daily – Miracles Funded on Request!

    If you need funding just send us an email at and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    We can help you with real estate projects of most types and real estate funding needs.


    Our Private Equity Partners and Joint Venture Partners and Private Investors and Direct Lenders can and do fund projects of most types. Nationwide as well as Worldwide.



    We welcome legitimate lenders & private equity firms to contact us about joining our team as a funding partner-


    If you don’t need funding but might know someone who might, That’s great because we have a great Referral Program so you can make money just by helping someone else -

    *Free Business Tools- If you need a Business Plan, we have a free Business Plan Builder template also. PFS Personal Financial Statement guideline And  A Great read is a (FREE) eBook titled “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill



    Email: Website: Phone: 949-682-9235

  • Mike Lewis

    We put this custom structure together with a family office for NNN developers.

    100% financing for Pre leased NNN developments with credit rated tenants.

    • 10% To 12% Base Rate, Floating.

    • No lender participation.

    • 1-2 Points In - to Lender

    • 0- 1 Point Out - to Lender

    • You will need at least a 1.5% spread between the yield on cost and the exit cap rate.

    • Lenders need to see a clear path to an exit.

    • Full Guaranties until rent commencement

    • I will charge 1%

    • Bad Boys”

    • Limitations on Development Fees until CO

    • Typical collateral:

      • First Deed Of Trust

      • Assignment of Rents

      • UCCs, Etc.

    The developer will need to demonstrate the financial capacity, including the ability to cover cost over runs, to get this to commitment. To proceed, I need project proformas and 2 years’ PFS of the developer, comps, ProForma. The money is paid out in draws either monthly or as benchmarks are reached. Notice we've kept origination to a minimum. If you're a broker please don't ask for more than a point. We're looking to get repeat business from developers.

    Overview in detail

    The loan can be for the total project cost so long as the loan does not exceed 80% of the eventual value.

    For credit rated, pre-leased, “household-name” development, assume the loan will be 100% of cost not to exceed 80% of ultimate value.

    Recourse is negotiable.

    The borrower will never be relieved from recourse for construction completion, environmental nor “bad boy” clauses.

    There must be a clear path to exit.

    The lenders want to charge a point going in and same at exit. (Everything is negotiable.)

    Usually 18-24 -month term; can pay off sooner. Term can be extended at a charge.

    The lenders want to establish a credit facility, not just do one-off.

    The lenders must understand (be able to predict) the exit cap rate w/in a narrow range.

    Usually, there is a about a two-point spread between yield on cost (NOI ÷ Total Cost) and exit cap rate (NOI ÷ Sales Price or Value). A 1.5% spread could be enough.

    No dollar limit.

    Anywhere in the USA and Eastern Canada.


  • Ken and Ari Walker

    Hello! Sun Pacific Mortgage and Real Estate here! Want to know what's hot this month?🔥

    If you or someone has a current home not yet sold and wants to buy a new primary residence, then close that gap with our Hot Private Money Program: Bridge Loan! 🌉🏡

    Give us a call at ☎ 707-523-2099 or visit our website at to see how we can help you or someone you know bridge the gap to your new home.

  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    Many people are investing their money in real estate during these uncertain times! Real Estate projects of All types! Makeup over 70% of our Daily Funding!


    Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC


    Our company name (Plan B) implies that most of the people who come to us have already tried to obtain funding from their local bank or other traditional finance companies and have been turned down in some cases they have been turned down several times.


    Our long time funding partnerships with direct lenders who have their own billion dollar funds set aside to fund people in need of funding are not affected by the current inflation and interest rate problems that most banks are facing now. We also have partnerships with many private equity firms who are ready to fund your projects.


    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!



    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!

    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Ken Voss

    Need Funding? Getting Started is so easy a caveman can do it. You contact us  And explain your funding needs.


    Hello from Voss Solutions

    The Impossible Funded Daily – Miracles Funded on Request!

    If you need funding just send us an email at and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.

    Our Private Equity Partners and Joint Venture Partners and Private Investors and Direct Lenders can and do fund projects of all types Nationwide as well as Worldwide.



    *We can help with real estate funding needs of all types!

    Voss Solutions was founded in 2005 by Ken Voss a business entrepreneur and U.S. Marine Corps Veteran. I'm the type of person that does things that I say I will, Right Away, I don’t put things Off.


    *Free Business Tools- If you need a Business Plan, we have a free Business Plan Builder template also. A Great read is a (FREE) eBook titled “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, PFS Personal Financial Statement.


    If you need funding but have credit issues we have for years worked with our credit specialists who can help you with that. -


    We have 2 different funding partners who funds lower amounts of $300 Thousand dollars and lower and who we allow the general public to apply with them without being a client of ours.

    !st Funding Partner For $300K or lower -

    2nd Funding Partner For $350k or lower -

    Email: Website: Phone: 949-682-9235

  • Shant

    Our company has been in business since 1998.  We help non-bankable companies around the world with a global network of  non-traditional, non-bank lenders, angel investors, and equity partners including, but not limited to Start-ups, Ongoing businesses, Cannabis, Alternative Energy, New Technology, Acquisitions, Real Estate developments, etc...

    We offer fast, no cost, no obligation quotes with no requests for personal information or even your business name.  If you decide to work with us, we do not charge any upfront fees - we do not get paid unless you actually receive funding from our lenders/investors.

    We focus on meeting the first-position funding needs of our clients with integrity and a level of customer YES-service that our competition cannot match.    High integrity is at the top of our list for all of our valued clients.

    Does your vision or dream involve large real estate and/or business projects? Do you have your project deck & executive summary ready for review by our specialists?

    CALL US NOW!! 877-GET-UR-LOAN Ext. 3 Shant

    In addition to first-position funding for large-scale commercial and multifamily real estate projects, we also have lenders eager to fund your alternative energy and other types of startup ventures with competitive terms that most venture capital firms cannot match.

    We work with our borrowers on a long-term business relationship basis, we are not transactional, we will not treat you like a number, and we do not charge any upfront fees.

    We return all legitimate phone calls and legitimate web inquiries during normal business hours.

    (Repeated phone calls and spam web inquiries will be blocked.)

    We do not ‘shop’ loans/investments and we do not get paid unless you receive funding from our investor/lender.   This means that we do not charge any upfront fees.

    • Commercial Fix and Flip
    • Commercial Mezzanine 
    • Commercial New Construction - $30million minimum
    • Large Multifamily - $2million minimum
    • Complex Commercial International Projects
    • Startup Loans - $10million minimum
    • Business Loans - $10million minimum
    • Film Projects
    • Angel Investor Funding available  - $10million minimum
    • First-Position Equity Partner Funding available - $10million minimum
    • Alternative Energy - $10million minimum
    • Cannabis  - $10million minimum
    • Bankruptcy OK  - $2million minimum
    • Low Doc/No Doc OK - $2million minimum

    Contact us TODAY: 877-GET-UR-LOAN (877-438-8756) Ext. 3 Shant

    (Monday through Friday, 8am-8pm ET)

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Get Business Funding Up To $25,000 Today.

    Click On The Following Link To Apply.

  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    With these uncertain times, many people are investing their money in real estate! Real Estate projects of All types! Makeup over 70% of our Daily Funding!


    Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC


    Our company name (Plan B) implies that most of the people who come to us have already tried to obtain funding from their local bank or other traditional finance companies and have been turned down; in some cases they have been turned down several times.


    Our long time funding partnerships with direct lenders who have their own billion dollar funds set aside to fund people in need of funding are not affected by the current inflation and interest rate problems that most banks are facing now. We also have partnerships with many private equity firms who are ready to fund your projects.


    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!



    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!

    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Mike Lewis

    We're working with a family office that wants to make commercial real estate loans in amounts ranging from $300,000 to $5,000,000 or so.

    USA - Most commercial proprty types - Acquisition - Refinance - Rehab 

    Construction and land acquisition loans ONLY for pre leased NNN development for credit rated tenants.

    NNN commercial property loans up to 100% funding.

    10-12% rate +/-   

    0 to 2 points lender origination

    1 to 2 points broker 

    12 months average term for most commercial property loans

    50% to 65% LTV +/-

    FAST close - 1 man makes the decision

    Commercial real estate bridge loans


    We can co-broker with other loan facilitators on an equal 50/50 split.  440-637-5646

  • Lending Forest

    Hello from Lending Forest LLC


    Lending Forest has a time-tested network of hundreds of highly qualified and highly rated lenders and direct lenders (some are publicly traded company's) who will assist you every step of the way by finding you the right loan for your situation. Although loans are our primary focus, we also have our large proven funding network that includes Individual accredited investors, equity partners, angel groups, and non-bank lenders, investment funds for a wide variety of sectors to include Real Estate funding and Startups also Expansion funding and much more.


    Lending Forest can help find you the perfect loan or funding you’re looking for. If your funding needs involve Real Estate of most types or you’re into Technology or Alternative energy or Healthcare perhaps you have a new invention you need funding for or you have a great Oil & Gas deal or Mining deal, we even have funding for Movie/Film deals. Most people come to us to finally be their own boss and want to Start their own business or already have a business and need some expansion capital or need a equipment loan or many other reasons, Lending Forest can help you. So, you need to ask yourself " am I going to be a Entrepreneur or just a "Want-trepreneur "



    *If you need funding just send us an email at


    And explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.



    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!


    Visit our website to see what types of funding we can offer you both Nationwide & Worldwide!



    Phone: 786-600-1674


  • Ken Voss

    Realtors & Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Investors



    How many times have you had a client of yours who wanted to purchase a property from you and as you were spending your commissions in your mind,  at the last minute the funding fell apart and the deal was off?


    We have hundreds of partnerships with direct lenders and equity partners who have been funding our clients for well over a decade and some for 15 years or more. Nationwide.


    What does this mean to you? If you have a client in need of funding send them to us and once your client has obtained the funding needed, we will pay you a percentage of our success fee so this means we will pay you a referral fee and also after your client obtains the funding the client can purchase your property and you also collect your commissions for the sale! Getting paid twice for doing the same job is always better.


    We look forward to having you on our team!


    Page on website with overview of our referral program -



    *IF You need funding for yourself, just email

     and explain your funding needs.

  • Mike Lewis

    We're working with a family office that wants to make commercial real estate loans in amounts ranging from $300,000 to $5,000,000 or so.

    USA - Most commercial property types

    10-12% rate +/-   

    0 to 2 points lender origination

    1 to 2 points broker 

    12 months average term for most commercial property loans

    50% to 65% LTV +/-

    FAST close - 1 man makes the decision

    Commercial real estate bridge loans 

    NO UP FRONT FEES! ABSOLUTELY ZERO! Not even a good faith deposit.

    He tells you what he needs as far as title, insurance, etc and you get it done. 

    We can co-broker with other loan facilitators on an equal 50/50 split.  440-637-5646

  • Mike Lewis

    Stock loans - take a loan against your investment stocks.

    You do NOT have to sell or sign over your stock. You pledge your stock.

    Stocks must NOT be penny or micro cap.

    75% LTV +/-

    This is a family office that works for and with a major U.S. Bank

    Rates are LOW... usually WSP. Process only takes a few days.

    You only pay on what you use. 

    Minimum loan amount $1mm with no real max.

    We can co-broker with other loan facilitators on an equal 50/50 split.  440-637-5646

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Instant Business Funding Is Available Up To $10,000 With No Up Front Fees.

    Click On The Following Link To Apply.

  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!


    Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC



    Fix & Flip – Buy & Hold- Construction-REFI-Land-Developers, And More!


    “When most (A) plans meets the real world, the real-world wins. Nothing goes as planned.”
    Although loans are our primary service, we also have our large proven funding network that includes: Individual accredited investors, angel groups, and non-bank lenders, for a wide variety of sectors to include Real Estate funding and Startups also expansion funding and much more.



    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.

    *Free Business Tools- If you need a Business Plan, we have a free Business Plan Builder template also, A Great read is a (FREE) eBook titled “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!


    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Ken Voss

    Voss Solutions has been helping people obtain funding since 2005. Although loans are our primary service, we also have our large proven funding network that includes Individual accredited investors, angel groups, and non-bank lenders, for a wide variety of sectors.

    If your funding needs involve Real Estate of most types or you’re into Technology or Alternative energy or Healthcare perhaps you have a new invention you need funding for or you have a great Oil & Gas deal or Mining deal, we even have funding for Movie/Film deals. Most people come to us to finally be their own boss and want to Start their own Business or already have a business and need some expansion capital or need an equipment loan or many other reasons expansion funding and much more.

    We also have a great referral program if you have a client in need of funding send them our way and get paid.

    The Impossible Funded Daily – Miracles Funded on Request!



    Phone: 949-682-9235

  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    Hello from Plan B Funding Options

    “Feel The Power” Sure, occasionally day drinking with friends is fun, but nothing beats being drunk with Power. Start your own Business Today, Regardless of if it’s as a Real Estate Investor or a Restaurant Entrepreneur. Plan B can help with all of your personal -business or real estate funding needs.


    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!



    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!

    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Get Fast Commercial Financing Up To $5,000,000 With No Up Front Fees.

    Click On The Following Link To Apply.

  • Plan B Funding Options LLC

    We are the, they, them, “those guys”  Who can help you obtain the business, personal, or real estate Funding You Need!


    Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC


    Our company name (Plan B) implies that most of the people who come to us have already tried to obtain funding from their local bank or other traditional finance companies and have been turned down in some cases they have been turned down several times.


    Our long time funding partnerships with direct lenders who have their own billion dollar funds set aside to fund people in need of funding are not affected by the current inflation and interest rate problems that most banks are facing now. We also have partnerships with many private equity firms who are ready to fund your projects.


    If you need funding just send us an email at

    and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.


    Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!



    If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!

    *Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.



    Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)    

    Or Alt  : 786-600-1674  Miami, Florida

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Obtain Fast Commercial Financing From $10,000 To $5,000,000 With No Up Front Fees.

    Click On The Following Link To Apply.

  • Mike Lewis

    Recent closings by our bank partners

    4 hotels purchases - 2 client $45M
    4 hotel refis - 1 client $16M
    2 hotel purchases 1 client $32M
    2 Fix and flips multi million properties $5m

    Rates 7.3% to 8.2%
    Lender fees from $300 to $2000
    Average time to close 5 weeks
    PPP from 0 to 7 years
    5 to 25 year loans
    70% average LTV
    Lender origination from .20 to 1.70

    All 50 States, Puerto Rico, USVI


  • Dr G

    We Do Not Charge Any Upfront Fees! 

    If You Do Not Receive Funding From Our Funding Sources, You Pay Us NOTHING!

    Contact us TODAY!

    877-GET-UR-LOAN (877-438-8756)

    (Monday through Friday, 8am-8pm ET)

    Please have your project deck & executive summary ready for review by our funding sources.

    Our company has been in business since 1998.  We help non-bankable companies around the world with a global network of non-traditional, non-bank lenders, angel investors, and equity partners including, but not limited to:

    • Start-ups
    • Ongoing businesses
    • Cannabis
    • Alternative/Green Energy
    • AI & Other New Technology
    • Large-Scale Commercial Real Estate Acquisitions
    • Large-Scale Commercial Real Estate developments, etc...

    • Debt funding
    • JV funding
    • Equity funding
    • Hybrid funding
  • Laura McClure

    Real Estate Loan Program Details

    Real estate projects located throughout the United States and select international locations

    Multifamily, Private Residences, Vertical, Horizontal, Large Malls, Senior Housing, Student Housing, Office, Industrial, Retail, Hotels/Hospitality, Multi/Mixed Use, Land, Special Purpose

    Pledge of ownership interests (mortgage and/or structured finance) and others.

    $20 million to $5 billion (larger loans considered)

    Up to 100% E/LTC

    Non-recourse, with standard carve-out provisions and completion guarantees on construction loans

    Prime plus .75% – 6.75%

    Mezzanine/Bridge/Construction to Perm – up to 60 months for stabilization with terms up to 40 years (property specific)

    Interest-only until stabilization

    Debt-service coverage ratio (DSCR) subject to risk assessment and property type

    No prepayment penalty after Stabilization

    Real estate taxes, insurance, and replacement reserves

    3 to 6 months from application

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Get Fast Business Funding Up To $2,000,000 With No Up Front Fees.

    Click On The Following Link To Apply.

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Same Day Business Funding Is Available From $10,000 To $5,000,000 With No Up Front Fees Or Minimum FICO Requirements.

    We Offer Low Rates And Great Terms.

    Click On The Following Link To Apply.

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Fast Commercial Real Estate Loans Are Available Up To $100,000,000 For Multi-Family Properties,Retail Stores,Restaurants,Hotels,Shopping Centers,Office Buildings And Industrial Properties.

    Click On The Following Link For Information And To Apply.

  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Fast Asset Based Loans Are Available Up To $2,000,000.

    Click On The Following Link To Apply.

  • David Kindopp


    $100,000 to $1,000,000

    Capital management company that’s been in business for 30-plus years.

    Loan Type: First mortgage or bridge loan

    Location: All states except NV, VT, ND, SD.


    If the property is less than 50 years old: 30 years

    If the property is older than 50 years: 25 to 15 years



    Loan Term

    15 years


    2 – 3 points typically

    Prepayment Penalty


    Application Fees / Upfront Fees

    Loan-to-Value Ratio

    Purchase money loans: 75%

    Refinances: 65% to 70%

    Land loans: 25% to 50% (usually 40%) – (case by case – case by case)

    Interest Rate

    8.9% to 10.9% in California

    10.9% to 13.9% outside of California

    Full Doc; Must verify income


    Your might be acceptable. If so, needs to be put in lenders name

    Acceptable Property Types:
    · Rental homes and condo’s
    · Rental duplexes, triplexes, and four-plexes
    · Apartment buildings
    · Office, retail, and industrial buildings
    · Politically incorrect properties, such as gentlemen’s
    clubs, adult bookstores, and cannabis properties
    · All other commercial property types, other than
    · Land
    All of our loans have a 30-year amortization, which is practically interest-only, and a term of FIFTEEN years. A private money loan with a 15-year term term? Wow! Plus there is no prepayment penalty,

    Acceptable Properties
    All standing commercial properties, plus land loans, including:
    · Multifamily
    · Office
    · Retail buildings
    · Strip centers
    · Shopping centers
    · Industrial buildings
    · Warehouses
    · Mixed use buildings
    · Self storage
    · Hotels
    · Motels
    · Commercial condominiums
    · Industrial condominiums
    · Assisted living
    · Residential care homes
    · Day care facilities
    · Gentlemen’s clubs
    · But no churches. We’ve had a 100% default rate on

    Here’s the FUN part!

    If you represent a borrower and send me initial, SOLID information so I can put this in front of this lender - and it looks do-able - I’ll hook you up directly, for a reasonable referral fee, and you can cut to the chase and deal directly with the lender.

    David Kindopp
  • Eric Oliver

    ATTENTION ALL HARD MONEY, MORTGAGE, & PRIVATE LENDERS...Are you in need of additional capital to lend to borrowers?? According to the IMF the Private Credit market is $2T. Family Offices, Hedge Funds and Private Equity firms are rapidly supplanting traditional banks. Private Lenders are the conduits for private institutional investors to gain market share. If you are a lender seeking to grow a Warehouse Line Of Credit or Equity Financing, this may be for you. Please inbox me for further details on how to gain access to additional funds from Family Offices.

  • David Kindopp

    $163,000,000 Investment proposal Real Estate Project in process

    Equity, Limited Partnerships, etc....

    If this looks interesting, let's talk. 

    Total Project Cost : $430,807,500 (100%)

    b) Capital Required : $163,027,500 (38%) 

    This unique project combines residential, commercial, retail, and recreational spaces, creating a vibrant and self-sustaining community. Its innovative design and diverse amenities set it apart from other developments in the United States. Currently, the project is in the advanced stages of construction · Over 70% of the infrastructure is in place for development. · The main retail portion is already open and operational. · And 9 units of townhomes built with over 90% infrastructure for remaining units completed.

    Unique Features and Amenities Integrated Living and Leisure:

    A harmonious blend of living, working, and leisure spaces. It includes luxury apartments, single-family homes, and townhouses, catering to a variety of lifestyles and preferences. Commercial and Retail Spaces:

    The development features over 300,000 square feet of retail and commercial space, including high-end shops, restaurants, and office spaces. This mix ensures that residents have convenient access to essential services and entertainment options. Recreational Facilities: The centerpiece of the development is the 10-acre lake, surrounded by walking trails, parks, and green spaces. Opportunities for boating, fishing, and other water-based activities, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for residents.

    Community-Centric Design: Designed to foster a strong sense of community with its communal spaces, including an amphitheater, community center, and various social gathering spots. These areas encourage interaction and engagement among residents. Sustainable Development: The project incorporates sustainable practices, such as energy[1]efficient buildings, water conservation measures, and ample green spaces, contributing to environmental stewardship and long-term sustainability.

    Investment Opportunities

    Investors can participate in The Project through limited partnership, term sheet as follows:

    Total Project Cost : $430,807,500 (100%)

    Capital Required : $163,027,500 (38%)

    Investment Period : 3 to 5 years targeted exit(s) from start of funding.

    Carried Interest : 60% of cashflow after return of capital.

    Reporting : Investors will receive quarterly updates and year end financials Projected Investor Returns Based on our cashflow projection and analysis, investors can choose from the following options

    Option 1: Investor Participates for entire duration · Invested Capital : $163,027,500 · Gross Return to Investor : $290,296,423 ·Internal Rate of Return (IRR) : 54.88% · Equity Multiple (MOIC) : 1.78x · Peak outstanding capital : $123,787,500

    Option 2: Initial investor participation for first 18 month · Invested Capital : $163,027,500 · Gross Return to Investor : $198,000,000 · Internal Rate of Return (IRR) : 44.96% · Equity Multiple (MOIC) : 1.21x · Peak outstanding capital : $123,787,000

    David Kindopp


  • Sharon Askew Whitten

    Get Same Day Business Funding Up To $5,000,000 With No Up Front Fees.

    Click On The Following Link To Apply.