Ben Ennis

Ennis Commercial Properties

Buying a Home & Your Credit Report

Buying a Home & Your Credit Report

Have you been looking at the housing market and thinking you want to buy a home?

Ads are everywhere listing properties.

It would be hard to make it through a day without seeing eye-catching photos of your
possible dream home.

But before you fall in love with that home - any home - do you know what your credit score
is? When is the last time you checked your credit report?

Those two things should always be the first steps you take when you start thinking about
buying a home.

Any lender will pull reports from all three bureaus and take the median score so it's
important to know the information on all three.

The free versions of the reports do not include your score; however, you can pay a small
fee to have that included.

Some credit cards provide you with your free score so check if that is available to you.
But don't open a new account just to get your score!

A score of 740 or higher should qualify for the best mortgage rates. Anything below 640 is
going to make it difficult to qualify.

Get your free copy of your credit report from all three credit bureaus at