We have a multi-family project that was appraised by a MAI for $1.9 million.  We own the lots free and clear and only need $700K. This project is in North Dakota and we have other projects near the new refinery which would house 400-500 workers who will build the new refinery.  I also have a project in Whitefish, MT, a select ski resort town with spectacular views of the Ski Resort which is owned by Foley who owns Fidelity National Title. 

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Send me a executive summary of your project to samcthomas45@gmail.com

Hi PAtrick - 

i would love to talk to you about any loan needs you have your investment projects Other than construction deals.  perhaps take-out financing or other purchase money?

Call me at 877-877-1477 ext 223.

Julie Falen

Please send the project information to amanda@emeraldciti.com. 

Patrick, shoot me an email to Info@SimsCapital.biz

Is this appraisal based on completion value?  If so, what is total cost to build?  Is the project shovel ready?

Cherrywood could be interested in this deal please email me over summary at rmilford@cherrywood.com we write our loans 30 year terms with 30 year amortization look forward to reviewing this deal Cherrywood as you know is a direct checkwriter lender

Richard Milford 541-515-0666
Cherrywood Commercial lending


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