Commercial Loans | Business Lines of Credit | Personal Asset Loans | Residential Rehab Loans

The PCFC Group is in the business of helping entrepreneurs and business owners who find themselves struggling to locate funding or just not growing as fast as they would like and are desperately looking for fast access to the answers they need. As a result, PCFC works with private lenders, funds groups, intermediaries and banks that provide professionals, such as yourself, the funding that you need to conduct your business.

There are ZERO upfront fees involved. We are paid based on performance only. So, if your request is turned down, we earn nothing from the transaction. It’s important that you know that we are not employees of any lender(s) or private funding sources. However, we can save you the time that you would normally spend shopping around for funding as well as thousands of dollars in underwriting junk fees and broker fees.

Type of Funding Available:
Commercial Loans | Business Lines of Credit | Personal Asset Loans | Residential Rehab Loans

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Hi, I am a businessman engaged in Gold, Diamonds, Commodities, Jewelry business. I am surveying in Africa since 2006 and found lucrative opportunity for Gold and Diamonds mining business. I also have distress sale in property in India which is very much cheaper at present cost. Please advise me how you can help for these projects. Tkt size in inlimited

Do you do residential income-producing loans in NC?

Thank you,

Wanda Meekins


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